The things in life it’s worth paying more for, or, a justification for all of my spending this month
By jesslawless on July 8, 2013, in Blog1. Shoes. Learned this one the hard way—shoes that are $15 are not worthy of gracing my feet.
2. Food. The fuel that runs my body can speed me along to heart disease, cancer, stroke and other terrible things or it can keep me hale and hearty for a long, long time.
3. Jeans. Now I just paid a lot for some nice jeans, but can you put a price on someone telling you they make your ass look like you just did 1,000 squats? (Actually, you can, and I did). Jeans are an item I wear often; they have to be durable.
4. Haircuts. I figure, I’m literally wearing my hair 24/7, so while the sticker shock can be severe, it’s not like I’m not getting my money’s worth.
5. Sunscreen. I wear it every day (look at my profile, pic, okay?!) and I want it not break me out/make my face feel like an oil slick.
There are also things in life spending less on just makes sense:
1. Sunglasses. Seriously, I’ve lost two pair this summer alone. Probably your eyes won’t melt out of your skull in an “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” sort of way if you buy at $10 pair. I hope.
2. Pedicures. If you don’t mind coloring a little outside your toenails–and I don’t–and the smell of nail polish lingering in your abode, you can save yourself lotsa money.
3. Windshield wipers. They just turn to dust in the Arizona sun anyway; I replace the damn things once a year no matter what kind I buy.
4. Body wash. 15 seconds on your body, man.
5. Razors. Much as I hate filling our landfills with junk, until I buy a razor-sharpening device (which is scheduled for the 12th of Never) I’m gonna need to hit up Big Lots for these bad boys.
What do you think? What are the items you have to have the best of and what are the ones you buy at the dollar store?